lubricants oil

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What kind of lubricant should I use for fan motor? oil or grease?

simple oscillating desk fan...What kind of lubricant should I use for fan motor? oil or grease?
Don't use oil as it will collect dirt and dust . Use a graphite spray,or powder. ByeeWhat kind of lubricant should I use for fan motor? oil or grease?
Use a silicone spray.. Acouple dollars A spray can..Do not use wd is great stuff, but it disperses quickly and can ruin , literaly eat any type of rubber grommets/fittings inside the fan if they are not a solvent proof rubber...wd -40..wd means water displacement..and the 40 means they invented it on the 40th try.. the keyword...WATER DISPLACEMENT...means when you spray it on say points or spark plugs of a wet displaces the moisture..but soon dissipates..This is not a long term lubricant, on top if a rubber isn't will eat it smooth up..spray some on a rubber fishing worm, or spray it heavily on hard plastic and let it will eat it up after some does the same inside that fan motor..
i use a small amount of vaseline. this is after i take mine apart and clean the dust out of them.
I would have to agree with Kimmi on this one. Use a light weight sewing machine or light weight oil. It tends to stick to the fan rotor a little better than WD40 which is a real light oil with other ingredients in it and is more as a cleaner than a lubricant
They say there are two things u need in a house..

Wd-40 for when somethin is suppose to move and doesn't


Duct tape for when somethin is moving and isn't suppose to be.

Has humor but it works..Multi purpose Wd-40, for the fan, incase ur son or daughter or ur bike chain needs oil. cars,lawn mower..everything that requires lubricant, that u can even think about tryin to lubricate yourself can use wd-40...

Warning: that does not mean for internal use,or on the skin...

you never know.
Just a few drops of 3 in 1 brand oil on each end of the motor to re-lubricate the cotton wicking that surounds your bearings...
use sewing machine or light machine oil. They sell it anywhere, pretty cheap.
If the fan has oiling points 3 in 1 oil in the blue can is for small motors .

If it has a sealed motor not much to do except maybe a little tuner cleaner.

If it is an old fan %26amp; is running slow it's probably dry or gunked up....tuner cleaner %26amp; re oil.

Best regards


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